Moonstalker is looking at the moon and missing its normal shine

What makes a person diffrent
So.. for thoose who like reading, will now read something that they dont really have to read because it's my mind twirling in circles on a space in writing.
The person that I think has found the greatest meaning of life most be Monty Pyton...
Now that I got that out of my head I think it's time for an update:
Manage to kick my foot in to the wall so its hurting and there might be a possibility I have broken it... nah... it most be harder to break a toe musten it?
Although I've worked hard and Angela has thanked me(in England they always say thanks all the time and they also use please and may I... trying to get use to it don't want to seem rude)
so where were I? yes so the bottom thing is that I need to ask for a lift tomorrow, so that I can join in two friends for a visit to Shakespears hometown. Otherwise I'll be spending alot of time on trains and busses. Wish me good luck!
I also have to pick up two dresses from the drycleaning, not use to that either but its an experience.
To not make this a to do list I should maybe talk of something else shouldn't I?
Anyway saw the moon this evening, haven't seen it in a while and here it's abit covered by the fog. It wasn't full nor half, makes you start to wonder...

Postat av: ida

japp jag har tagit bilden:)haha

2008-10-12 @ 14:04:28

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